Kontrastierung und Überblendung. Strategien der Rauminszenierung in der Narration der Johannesoffenbarung


  • Konrad Huber Universität Mainz


Book of Revelation/Apocalypse of John, narrative space, narrative technique, Rev 17–18, Rev 21–22, Rev 11, 1–2, Rev 14, 1–5, Rev 20, 7–10


Within the book of Revelation Babylon, the great whore (Rev 17–18), and the heavenly Jerusalem (Rev 21:9–22:5) are consequently drafted as counter images. The contrast of the two symbolic entities can be attested as purposeful just with regard to narrative space, spatial construction and the various references to spatial aspects in these visions. At the same time crossfading is assessable as a narrative factor not only for the textual location of John, the visionary, but also for the contents presented in the visions themselves and can be recognized as an expression of different perspectives on reality. Texts like Rev 14:1–5, Rev 20:7–10 and Rev 11:1–2 suggest to consider the technique of contrasting and crossfading as a comprehensive strategy for constructing space within the narration of John’s apocalypse. In terms of narratology then this affects the question about consistency of the textual presentation of space, in terms of interpretation it particularly provides arguments for an understanding of the heavenly Jerusalem in a present eschatological sense.





